Gan Mheng

Of the Nine Bells

Name: Gan Mheng
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Doman Hyur
Occupation: Pirate of the High Seas!
Orientation: Straight
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Lawful Evil. Depends on his mood.
Voice Claim: Kenjiro Tsuda

Not much is known of the pirate himself, though many rumors spread of his missing eye. More rumors spread of the sudden change of colour of his still remaining eye, they remember him having brown eyes, not blue. As well they speak on a strange, off putting glow that comes from it on occasion, leaving him distracted.The same glow has been seen manifesting as blue flames around him when he fights. It has lead many to believe he has made a deal with a monster for power.

Shady Deals

Need something smuggled from one end of the world to the other? Heard of a shipment from a rival business that just so happens to be crossing the sea at the right time?Then perhaps you sought out Gan Mheng! He has built a career out of raiding the seas after all! Just don't ask him to go to Limsa Lominsa. They don't like him there.


Are you from Doma? Perhaps you've heard of the pirate! He and his crew, named the Nine Bells, were well known for raiding port towns during the occupation. Especially if they were Garlean owned.They were not afraid to mix themselves up with the Garleans like the Confederates, often calling them cowards for keeping their distance.When the call went out for aid in the liberation of Doma from Hien, Gan Mheng was quick to rally his crew and join the fight.

Tavern Dweller

He's been most commonly seen in dingy taverns, spending away plenty of earnings with his crew. They are quite the rowdy bunch, giving them a bit of a disdainful look if ever seen in Limsa. Still, it is the city of pirates!

Nine Bells

His approach is always heralded by the sound of nine jingling bells that he keeps tied around his belt. He does not seem to mind that it removes any sort of stealth from him as he revels in being known.The bells themselves seem to have a magical quality to them. Water aspected people might note a resonance with them and their calming qualities towards water spirits.

Hi! Hello! Welcome, thanks for stopping by! Gan Mheng as a character is a big WIP but that is a perpetual state of being for most, I feel. I like my RP to be kept OOC drama free so let's not merge the two, yeah? Yeh.I am on PST time zone and my play hours are erratic as all hell but I can be easily summoned via Discord! Feel free to ask for it though I reserve the right not to give it if I don't know who the hellabon heckadoodles you are!I am 21+ and prefer all I RP with to be the same! Makes shit less hawkward. I'm down for MOST themes and I'm always looking for more RP. Feel free to throw me a DM! Also my Mare is available for those who ask!Alright, inane rambling done, thanks for stopping in!